CHOBE Powdered Yogurt Drink - Passion Fruit (25g x 12's) [Free Shaker]

Brand: Chobe Yogurt Powdered Drink
Product Code: chobe-passionfruit-powdered-yogurt-drink-free-shaker
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CHOBE Powdered Yogurt Drink - Passion Fruit (25g x 12's) [Free Shaker]

IMPORTANT: No matter how many boxes you order per receipt, only one shaker will be given only.

CHOBE® PASSION FRUIT LASSI powdered yogurt drink with CherryEASE™, DigeZyme™, Lactobacillus Postbiotic, Fiber & Multivitamin is specially designed to promote recovery and it has been formulated with safe and effectiveness ingredients that work naturally by improving gout and arthritis symptom relief while also boosting your health.


Supporting a digestive system and enhancing neurological health (Xirui He et al.,2020).


Improving muscle recovery after exercise, sleep quality and managing sleep disorders.
Improving cardiovascular and metabolic health.


Relieve pain from inflammatory osteoarthritis and gout.
Relieve delayed onset muscle soreness.


Restoring good and healthy flora and may help your body work more efficiently to reduce the
presence of harmful pathogens.


Maintaining metabolic health and boosting the immune system.



  • Great for Gout and Arthritis Symptom Relief

  • CherryEASETM - Rich in phytochemicals (Melatonin, Anthocyanin, Flavonols, Vitamins and β-Carotene)

  • Premium Ingredients (Poland Yogurt Powder)

  • Contains Lactobacillus Postbiotic.

  • Combination enzyme - DigeZymeTM (Amylase, Cellulase, Lipase, Protease, Lactase)

  • Fiber (Passion Fruit-Passiflora edulis)

  • Multivitamin (Vitamin A,C,D,E & B complex)

  • High in Dietary (Insoluble & Soluble Fibre)

  • Low fat & saturated fats

  • Zero Cholesterol & Trans Fat

  • No Artificial Coloring

  • Additive - Free



Yogurt Powder
  • As a nutrient-dense food and fermented milk product.
  • It has a similar micronutrient composition to milk, generally with a good bioavailability.
  • It has a low energy density.
  • It is a good source of calcium & other minerals (Mg,K,Zn).
  • It has a higher concentration of conjugated linoleic acids than milk and conjugated linoleic acids are reported to have immunostimulatory and anticarcinogenic properties.
  • It is a naturally occurring glucose found in seaweed.
  • Reduces oxidative stress.
  • Lowers blood sugar spikes.
  • Reduces risk of fatty liver disease.
  • Promotes healthy brain function.
  • A soluble fiber and healthful in prebiotic benefits.
  • Help promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.
  • Help promote regularity, as a result of its faecel bulking
  • Supports healthy blood glucose levels by eliciting a lower blood glucose response.
  • Is ideal for reduced calorie foods and may assist with weight management.
Passion Fruit
(Passiflora edulis)
  • Also known as Passiflora edulis, widely distributed in tropical and subtropical area of the words.
  • P.edulis- highlighted by great value of anthocyanin in peels and seeds.
  • Rich in antioxidants.
  • Good source of fibre.
  • Low glycemic index.
  • Supports heart health.
  • Boost the immune system.
  • P. edulis- commonly used as a tonic, digestive, sedative, diuretic, antidiarrheal, insecticide.
  • Traditional medicine – Treatment of cough, dry throat, constipation, insomnia, dysmenorrhea, colic infants, joint pain, and dysentery (Dhawan et al., 2004).
  • P. edulis- in medicinal properties- anxiolytic, calming, and hypotensive.



25g x 12 sachet



18 months



Use cold water when you are preparing Chobe Butterfly Powdered Yogurt Drink to get the best-tasting experience.


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